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Cultural & Ecological designing
ferrocement garage - front view ferrocement garage - rear quarter view

Design and Action towards Clarity, Honesty and Community

We are all and always a part of multiple communities: public, private, corporate, local, national, individual, spiritual, secular, familial, intentional, unintentional. If our experiences in some - or all - of our communities are not what we want, we can make changes.

I offer counseling, consulting, facilitating, teaching and designing to increase clarity, honesty, trust, love and compassion in and among human beings, and likewise in human communities both material and non-material. The methods and techniques that I employ are highly practical and experiential, and focus on acting our way into new ways of thinking - rather than trying to think our way into new ways of acting. They can be applied wherever humans interact - including but not limited to intentional communities, corporate organizations, residential neighborhoods, educational institutions and private and public agencies. Some examples:

  • Council Process - a majority of human cultures throughout history have used some form of council process to make decisions, resolve difficulties, and deepen understanding, wisdom and community. Council invites us beyond mere decision-making to open up new possibilities for understanding and action.
  • Group Process and Communication - counseling, workshops and facilitation services that integrate diverse methods and processes for understanding, clarifying and taking appropriate action in our relatings with each other and ourselves. Along with Council process, I draw on transactional analysis and repatterning techniques, interpersonal clearings, personal and community contracts, accountability structures, dynamic consensus processes, ritual and shamanic work, interactive theater and role-playing, mentoring and more.
  • Reflective Designing workshop - A facilitated process in which participants draw on their own significant experiences and apply them to community designing. This process is customized depending on the size and intent of the group. Some typical applications include:
    • Designing teaching/learning experiences for oneself, one's community or others.
    • Designing processes for changing habits, attitudes, cultural patterns, beliefs.
    • Exploring and transcending disagreements, misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Integrated Community Designing - weaving together non-physical community elements with physical aspects of place such as shelter and other built facilities, food production, transportation, shared services, community spaces, privacy, local and regional water and land use patterns, and context-specific design considerations.
Please contact me with questions or requests for specific examples relevant to your situation.

Copyright © 2010 John Schinnerer
Site design and implementation by Eco-Living Technology Services
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